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Useful Information

What is the APIDA caucus?

The Asian Pacific Islander Desi American caucus exists to advocate for and promote diversity by giving a collective and unified voice to the APIDA community at the Pennsylvania State University. 
APIDA can also be seen as an umbrella organization for many APIDA clubs/organizations on campus- the full list of involved organizations can be seen on the "APIDA Organizations" tab at the top of the website.

Is there a fee or due to be paid to become a general body member?

No, there is not

How often does the APIDA caucus meet?

General body meetings take place __ times a month, and events also take place various times throughout the years. APIDA also does collaborations with other organizations; interested students should follow @psuapidacaucus on Instagram for updates.

How do I become a member of the APIDA caucus?

Each affiliated APIDA organization will appoint 2 representatives from their respective exec boards to attend APIDA meetings. Otherwise, general students may also join APIDA through attending general body meetings and ____. 
To join the mailing list and stay up to date, click the "Join Us" section under "More" on the menu and fill out your information.

Where can I get updates or keep up with APIDA news/events?

Follow @psuapidacaucus on Instagram to stay up to date with APIDA caucus events (including events from APIDA organizations under our umbrella). Make sure to also join the mailing list and check the resources section of our website.

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